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Surviving Violent Encounters

Thu, Apr 11


Sandy City Police Department

This 16-hour seminar is designed to prepare law enforcement officers for violent encounters and threats. ****Lodging and Per Diem Available per RMHIDTA Policy****

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Surviving Violent Encounters
Surviving Violent Encounters

Time & Location

Apr 11, 2024, 8:00 AM MDT – Apr 12, 2024, 5:00 PM MDT

Sandy City Police Department, 10000 S. Centennial Pkwy

Class Description

This 16-hour seminar is designed to prepare law enforcement officers for violent encounters and threats. The instructors will discuss techniques that control stress responses so de-escalation strategies can be effectively applied. The seminar will not only deal with the latest research on how threats impact psychological and physiological responses, but will explore ancient survival traditions and why these traditions are relevant today.

At the end of this program, students will:

- Understand and recognize the physiological and psychological changes that occur when a person is suddenly threatened.

- Understand how these psychological and physiological changes affect performance and the ability to survive.

- Understand how physical trainingmental imagerytactical self-talkbreathing and centering improve stress inoculation, startle recovery, and the ability to apply de-escalation techniques

-Understand how experiencing a sudden stressful situation can lead to a “high”, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or Post Traumatic Growth.

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